Strategy Development

Develop your long-term plans

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Strategy Development Services | Jewell Facilitation

Have you ever tried to create a plan that either never gets finished, or never gets done?

Whatever your starting point, we will work with you to turn those half thoughts of a plan into an actionable strategy that your team will actually follow.
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What is our approach to Strategy Development?

Your strategy is your roadmap, your route to achieving success and your plan for explaining how this is done.

Working out what that success looks like, defining the direction of your organisation and deciding how to get there are all part of strategy development.

Strategies focus on the bigger picture, longer term plans.

Dynamic and realistic strategies are crucial for ensuring that you can respond to the needs of your organisation as it grows and changes. Involving the right people at the right time in developing a strategy – and getting them all on board – is central to making sure your plans and people align, so you can move forwards and meet your goals.

Reviewing and refining your strategy as you go along is also part of strategy development.

A strategy isn’t something that gets done and dusted once only to be left sitting on a virtual shelf.

At Jewell Facilitation we view strategy development as a collaborative process. We work together with the people in an organisation to help guide the process of creating effective strategies that drive growth and success. We use a participatory strategic planning approach which means we ensure the right people are involved in the creation of the strategy, As part of the process, we support you to work out who the right people to involve are in the first place. This approach means that active participation, teamwork and collaboration sit at the heart of the the process. It gives the members of your organisation a clear view of what they need to do over a given timeframe as well as a “map” and actionable steps for how to get there.

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We now have a clearer strategic focus, a coherent set of achievable targets and a cohesive way of working for our partners

Helene is a great facilitator and has helped us with several partnerships, supporting them with strategic reviews, developing action plans and helping them take a more collaborative approach when working together. Helene is meticulous when it comes to planning and making sure that any objectives are achieved which has resulted in developing a clearer strategic focus, a coherent set of achievable targets and a cohesive way of working for our partners.

Jamie Butcher, IVE

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The benefits of working with a facilitator for strategy development

When the people using or following a plan are involved in creating it, they become much more invested in the success of the plan.

Working with a facilitator enables you to develop and create your strategy collaboratively with the very people who will be implementing it. They will care about the goals and they will work to get results. They will also be motivated to track and update progress against key indicators.

We help you tease out the straight lines from the tangle.

The planning process at a strategic level can get detailed and complex. A facilitator will help keep you focused at the right level and on track. They will pull the threads of the different elements together so that you all get the most from the complex conversations to create focused and actionable plans.

They will help ensure the strategy gets finished! How often do strategic plans end up half done, or almost finished but left sitting in a metaphorical drawer never to see the light of day? During the strategy development process, a facilitator will hold you accountable and work through the process with you.

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Case study

How we’ve helped real teams, just like yours.

Supporting Dublin’s Transition to Net Zero

Jewell Facilitation worked with Codema, Dublin’s Energy Agency, to help a team of climate experts craft a bold plan to accelerate the city’s shift to low carbon.

Through eight expertly facilitated workshops, the team overcame barriers, built consensus, and created actionable strategies for a sustainable future. Discover how tailored facilitation unlocked creativity, fostered collaboration, and delivered impactful results.

Ready to move your organisation forward?

Let’s explore how our facilitation can help you define your direction, set your goals and work out exactly how to achieve them.
Get in touch today and let’s start creating a thriving, resilient organisation together.
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What is strategy development?

Strategy development is the process of envisioning and defining your organisation’s future, then agreeing broad strategic directions and refined objectives to reach that future vision.

Alongside the strategic vision will be strategic directions, specific objectives, resources and activities needed to meet these objectives. There are also elements relating to when these will take place and how and when the strategy will be reviewed.

We facilitate the process of strategy development first by helping you to identify who needs to be included in the process and how they should be involved.

We then assist in reviewing what you think you know about the landscape surrounding your organisation and better understanding the context.

Finally, we bring the right people together to take them through a participatory strategic planning process.

This process commonly takes several days to work through and focuses on the creation of a vision, strategic directions, objectives and activities. As a result, you, and the people in your team, are clear on the direction of travel over the next five years.

Strategy development is crucial in providing a framework and setting the direction for an organisation to grow and move forwards so that it can identify opportunities, and tackle challenges effectively.

A strategic plan commonly focuses on the bigger picture. more long-term plans (typically 3-5 years) at a higher level. An action plan has a shorter time frame (up to a year) and focuses more on the day to day more detailed plans.